Thursday, March 8, 2012

we're baaaaaack...

Unlike those TV shows that end up in eternal re-run mode, we're moving forward with our lives...and with moving forward comes an exciting opportunity for two girls to travel together again on a holiday!

Like USA Network's Burn Notice, we welcome back the same characters while adding a new one to the mix (though the new one happens to be a boy, so he won't be posting...he'll probably just appear in the photos).

Like NBC's 30 Rock, we create fun (or at least attempted) wittiness with our adventures, recorded on this blog for all to partake.

Like USA Network's White Collar, things are changing for the dynamic duo, but their friendship remains core.

There's the rundown on our latest adventure! Wait, you say, could we have more details? Such as, the location and the holiday??

Well, one thing that we've learned from CBS's Person of Interest is that you never know who's watching or reading, so we'll need a little more discussion (or courage!) before we reveal those details!

But if you need more TV shows to watch, then might we suggest Psych or Downton Abbey?


The Raven's Landing said...

yo queiro DETAILS! (yay, you're back on holiday!)

2beaglemama said...

Definitely want more details! I travel through my friends... =)

Gabrielle Ryan said...