Thursday, December 2, 2010

again, mom, don't read this

We were on the bus, heading toward the marble arch. The tourist bus, because this would never happen on public.

Bus stops. Driver approaches: Misses, you were going to the Marble Arch, right? I just received a radio call, and I won't be driving that way because of a demonstration.

Us: Ok.

Driver: But if you walk straight up that for 10-12 minutes, you'll get there.

Us: Ok!

We exit the bus. We look at each other. ~Let's go see the demonstration! I bet it's the rioting students.~

So we go.

And walking down Park Avenue, sure enough, we foudn the demonstration. It was a bunch of people shouting on the other side of the road. With a wall of bobbies between them and the road. It seemed rather tame compared to previous news reports.

Apparently, we weren't the only ones who thought so. A report qutoes a protester as saying, ~I've never seen anything like it. It was very unreasonable, no-one did anything, no fireworks were lit, nothing happened...~

We were here:

We were in history. ;)


Kelly said...

WOW! That's awesome you played a part in history and are experiencing some very interesting things in England. Have you gotten warm yet? :) Continue to enjoy your visit to that beautiful city!

Prayers & Blessings,

devotedspirit said...

Wow! I half expected to see a candid mugshot of you and Chrissy on the front page of that story ;-) That would not have surprised me at all