Because copying Chrissy is very unkosher, I won't blog exactly what she already blogged.
Instead...I pick...today's highlight...to be... LONDON.
Now, you have to understand. I have been to and from Africa four times in the past six years. (Those statistics are staggering, even for me.) And each time I've wanted to tour Europe during the stopover. Once, we were moving to Africa...with little kids...and three carry-ons each...so a daytrip wasn't exactly feasible. Next, I was worn out from finals week at college...and traveling on a tight schedule. Last time, I was *almost* spending a night in Amsterdam. But it failed. At the last minute.
This time, we hung out in London.
For three glorious days.
We met up with friends at Big Ben (how cool does THAT sound?! its an epically awesome story). We toured Westminster Abbey. We watched the changing of the guard (epic fail, to be told later). We rode around on The Original Tour Bus. We saw Buckingham Palace (duh - since we watched changing of the guard). We participated in the Ceremony of the Key at London Tower (deserving of an entire post all its own). We saw Trafalgar Square (I still don't know how to pronounce it). We ate fish and chips on Regent Street. Oh, and we took a boat ride on the Thames.
I'm sure there's more.
But we're supposed to be recapping our trip. And sharing pictures. And I'm tired of you people bugging me for more pictures. :-P
But here's the deal: I. Finally. Went. To. London. After six years of trying to stop over, there we were. Freezing our toes off. Drinking bucketloads of belgium dark hot chocolate. And testing every coffee shop in The City.
i LOVE the 2nd and 3rd photos of you two!! (and the 4th one, chrissy. don't worry. i like that one, too) :P
so beautiful! :) now i wanna go!!! hehe! :D
so glad you finally were able to get there :)
you've made London go up way nearer the top of my must-go list.
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