Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Poll

Should we ice skate in the Moat of the Tower of London?


Gabrielle Ryan said...

only heck to the yes! dude!

John van leeuwen said...

Definatly! Maybe enven a hockey game?

Heather said...

Um. Is that even a question? ;) Of course! :D

Amy said...

YES of course!

Nathan C. said...

I had never thought about that before: what good do moats do in the winter?

So I say yes, you should ice skate on the moat, and then maybe we'll find out what defensive measures they take.

Brittany said...

that would be the bomb dot com ...

(phrase courtesy of breana ;)

The Raven's Landing said...

is that why you got locked in the tower of london?

Unknown said...

yeah, I was wondering the same thing as "Cossette" ;-)

so did you do it????

LawGirl0731 said...

I'm all for it, so long as they allow you to leave when you exit the ice... :-D You only live once, it's true, but do you really want the last thing you do ever to be ice skating on a moat? I'm thinking there's much more exciting things to do in life first...

Melissa said...

Why is this even a question?!?!? Of COURSE!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

