Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Jetlag, Part 2

I know that right now is not the best time to be begging for sympathy. In fact, its probably the worst possible time. You all have been trudging through monotonous work days, bitter cold, and holiday traffic jams while we have been trekking around the globe, getting suntanned on the equator, and seeing sights we normally only read about in books. You're jealous, I know. Very jealous. And right now you're laughing in glee at the misery that has now caught up with these two world travelers.

We're back in the grind.
Back to the jobs.
Back to the traffic jams.

And - oh yeah - battling jet lag.

For example, it is 4:30am and so far I have started looking through 6,702 pictures from the trip, I have caught up on facebook, I have made brownies, I have eaten breakfast, and I have watched two TV shows and half a movie.

Once the brownies are out of the oven, I think I'll go take a run.

May Jet Lag End Quickly.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Hope you are over the jet lag by now. I love the pictures and stories behind each one.