Still, although, the far reaches of our limbs were numb, we couldn’t help but smile and laugh--we were in London!
(in front of the Tower of London)
There was another reason for laughing, though. We spent several evenings with two rather humorous American guys, who regaled us with tales of international “diplomacy” from their daily attendance at a conference there in London. Their Panamanian prince, Portuguese gal, and Kiwi roommates were the source of many jests.

(Josiah and Jeremiah in front of Tower Bridge)
Our first evening together, we scrounged through Picadilly Circus and Regent St. for warm hats, as all but the Wisconsinite were unaccustomed to such weather.

Our last night in London involved portraits by our resident pro photographer by Parliament and Big Ben...because the guys managed to forget a camera for their two weeks in Europe.

At one point during our three days, after a series of miscommunications and failed meeting points (communicating without cell phones is hard!), Josiah quipped that he gave up on American women and was going to chase Bosnian woman because they are easier to catch.
Well, I have proof that those guys were just as elusive. After two dinners, a walk down Regent St., a visit to Baker St., and walking down Park Avenue admiring Aston Martins, we have only ONE picture with all four of us. And it’s blurry.

I submit that American guys can be as hard to catch as American girls.
"We're looking for boys in suits at Westminster Abbey."
(You make it sound like we randomly found boys in London. Not sure whether that's exactly the impression we should leave. :-P)
LOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!! oh i love it! hehehe!
Well, it was kinda random. ;-)
you know, Jen, after re-reading, you're right... :P
dear world: clarification:
Jeremiah is a co-worker and fellow PHC grad. Not a random guy we met in the hostel. ;)
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