Just in case you're wondering, I have a super cute cousin. His aunts and grandparents and friends are all waiting to see pictures of him...and they have...and they will...but for now, try these on for size.
Ain't he cute?
During the whole time we were in country, he was quite wary of me. He liked Chrissy moderately well (she is a charmer, apparently), but avoided me like the plague. So. When on the last day we were all out walking, I was so surprised when...
He wriggled out of his mom's arms.
Waddled over to me.
Held up his pudgy little arms.
And let me carry him down the path.
My heart melted. A lot. And I might or might not have kissed his chubby little cheek.

He is adorable! His parents are very blessed.
lol, love the pipe. very sophisticated. ;-)
icanhazplz? :D he's adorable! :)
the pipe is awesome. *grin *
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