I smiled, not realizing what the day would bring.
It was many hours later. Supper time. He stopped in front of the serving table, where us four mzungu ladies were ladling soup, dishing up rice, and scooping out boiled pumpkin.
With a huge smile, and deep emotion, in his thick Ugandan accent: "Thank you so much for all you have done today. Thank you for giving up your very special holiday to spend it with us, and to serve us such delicious food. It means a lot that you would sacrifice so much for us."
We smiled.
Giving up Thanksgiving was completely, totally worth it when we heard that.
Instead of mashed potatoes, turkey, gravy, cranberry sauce, and stuffing, we were dealing with some seriously local food. Chrissy, our resident meat-disher-upper for the week, scooped her ladle into the pot and came up with this.

In case you can't quite figure it out, thats a fish head. The whole. entire. fish. head. For Thanksgiving dinner.

Coupled with some watery boiled pumpkin, some cabbage, and a hefty helping of rice, it created a nice, balanced meal. (What nutrient comes from eyeball, anyway?)
Lets just say.
I didn't eat much supper that night.
Sorry, but I couldn't.
But now that I'm safely on US soil, I have decided: I NEEEEEEED Thanksgiving Dinner. Ergo, tomorrow night I'll be pulling out all the stops and making a masterpiece: emphasis on the mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie.
Who's coming over?
I'm headed to the airport! But seriously, come on... you couldn't eat fish/pumpkin/cabbage/rice? I must be missing Ugandan food because right now, that whole combination (please note I left the word "head" out following the word "fish") sounds amazing. Really and truly. (And wouldn't Andrea be surprised!) Or perhaps I'm truly just hungry as I wait for dinner...
i would SO be there if i didn't have to work. ;P
oh yum... :-P
I understand the feeling. I had tuna on top of rice for Thanksgiving. Apple juice with cinnamon sticks provided only partial Thanksgiving solace.
Then again, it makes a person realize that you don't need the turkey to be Thankful. Even for fish heads right Chrissy?
I love the thank you the Ugandan gave...priceless.
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