going to a foreign country? wondering what to say? why not start with 'hello'??
here is what we'll be practicing on the plane. and if you practice while we're gone, we'll be sure to correct your pronunciation when we return.
after all, no one likes to hear 'hello' misspoken. ;)
Good Morning: Wasuze otya nno?
Hi: Ki kati (the ki is pronounced Chi)
How are you?: Oli Otya
I am ok: Gyendi (the g here is pronounced like a j)
Have nice day: Siiba bulungi (the g like a j)
Please: Mwattu
Thank you: Weebale
And if a lion doesn't eat you, say Thank you very much: Weebale Nnyo
Always a good phrase: Do you speak English?: Omanyi olungereza
I don't understand: Sitegeera
Please speak slowly: Ekigambo ekyo kimpandiikire
And finally, a useful phrase in any language: I do not have any money: Sirina Sente
oooh fun!
.... what language is this? Swahili?
its been 9 years but i still remember some of those words/phrases!!
have a great time.
No, not Swahili. Luganda! Oli otya, bannyabo?
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